Tenant Tuesday - NARCOG

North Central Alabama Regional Council of Governments (NARCOG) is a known business operating in Cullman, Lawrence, and Morgan Counties. Could you please describe NARCOG’s purpose for our readers. 

NARCOG is an organization whose mission is “dedicated to improving the quality of life for the citizens in Cullman, Lawrence, and Morgan Counties”. By Positively Impacting People and Communities, we connect families to programs and services that help older adults and disabled individuals. Some of the many programs and services include Medicaid Waiver, More Than a Meal, SenioRx, legal services, Alabama Cares, etc. We also connect regional and community leaders, organizations, and businesses to resources that create more vibrant and livable communities. These resources include state and federal grants in support of community and economic development, regional and community planning, transit, and the Accelerate Business Growth Fund. 

What made you choose 307 Second for NARCOG’s new location?

Serendipity! We were out of space in our main building and needed additional space for our Regional Planning Agency (RPA) and noticed this available space on the way back from lunch one day. It was perfect for our needs, and we are thrilled to be here!

How was Gateway helpful in securing this location?
Gateway was easy to work with to help make this space become a visible presence for NARCOG on Second Avenue.

 Being centrally located downtown, does NARCOG plan to participate in downtown activities like 3rd Friday?

Yes, NARCOG is excited about and looks forward to participating in 3rd Fridays. It will provide us with an opportunity to showcase all our services available to assist with improving the quality of life for areas residents. Our first 3rd Friday was in April, and we really enjoyed it until the rain came in! We hope that the weather corporates for the next one this month! We also want to participate in other downtown events as well.

 Thank you for answering a few questions for our followers. Are there any plans or upcoming events our readers should be aware of?

Follow us on Facebook for a full list of events coming up.



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